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Humans in Service Design 

Service Design Meetup for Community, Connection and Training 


Service Design

Info-graphic to display multiple services aligned together for a re-imagined digital home for senior citizens to live independntly. Client: Genworth Financial Long Term Care Insurance.

Applied Design Thinking Practices to Align the Customer Experience with Business Operations for Digital Transformation.

A Service Design approach examines the People, Process and Technology which combined together create a service for Customers. It is design led with an intensely focused and precise UX practice directed toward problem solving. This means conducting the research to determine what is broken, and how it might be (1) Improved (2) Removed or (3) Redesigned Over Design Sprints and Release,Testing Iterations.


Service Design also leads to outcomes for digital transformation in business operations and organizational change that are often well beyond the customer facing digital experience. This may include a closer examination of skill sets, team organization, training, the decision making process, rules of engagement, system governance and technology platform or devices. Please read my Service Design Mission Statement here.







Sevice Design Blueprint

Service design blueprint to show technical requirements for sensors, monitoring activity and digital communication tools designed to be driven by customer pain-points and digital touchpoints in the re-imagined home for seniors. Client: Genworth Financial Long Term Care Insurance.

Service Design
Digital Home for Seniors
People Walking

Research: The People Part

Primary Research with Real People in Contextual Work and Home Environments  for Knowledge, Insight and Direction to Create Meaningful and Productive Experiences.

Customer Personas are important to help designers target specific goals and objectives. Operator Task Flows matter too. I care about the entire experience in the system design for time to task completion: from the input trigger, priortized tool sets, digital touch-points and transparency in the process.


Personas, Journey Maps & 

Feature Requirements

Journey Map and Feature Requirements

Genworth Financial, Long Term Care Insurance

To prepare for a client stakeholder workshop, our problem statement was: "How Might We Keep Seniors in the Home Longer?" In one view, based on the contextual research, I was able to capture an entire suite of digital operations with innovative new applications with technology for home sensors, drones and digital communication tools that are aligned to address the customer pain-points in the journey.

User Flow for Credit Card Payment System

US Bank - Lead UX Designer, Wipro Digital

This was a credit card payment system for corporate accounts. Imagine for clients such as Boeing Airlines or the US Government, and the credit card management process. It is enormously complex, and the platform was very complicated from a usability perspective. My team of two UX Designers and a Creative Lead facilitated workshops with the stakeholders of the bank to break the system down into small, chunk-able parts. The exercise was incredibly valuable. it allowed us to prioritize and focus in on the top three use cases for the system operations: To Add A New Cardholder, Reallocate a Transaction and Create a Report. This helped the team to prioritize the effort into a project roadmap for resource management, feature design and development.

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Puerto Rico Manufacturing Plants

The team visited two pharma product manufacturing plants in Puerto Rico as a contextual inquiry to observe daily manufacturing scum meetings that were held over white boards, and completely 'analogue' in nature. Notes were captured on stickies, placed on the boards, then manually entered into excel files, and discarded at the end of the day. The process was labor intensive, slow, prone to error and obscure. The experience had to be digitized for transparency, security and communications to global operations centers.


This example shows the current state of the team in a huddle meeting. Based on observations of the daily huddle, I designed personas and workflows to validate with the client and the team while on the ground. These designs served to prioritize the product roadmap, creative direction and feature list against the research. The team wore hazmat suits to visit the pharma manufacturing plant. It was great to get a real sense of the people, culture and the strong relationships they had with one another, in no way did we intend for the digital experience to replace the interpersonal.

Work Flow Jouney Map

Tech Street, Start Up Early Stage Funding in NYC  - Lead UX Consultant

This was an exercise in strategy and planning for a product roadmap in the development life-cycle. I was provided with the business plan which was recently awarded a round of early stage funding. Based on the goals set forth in the plan, I created a series of personas and workflows in the application. This was then iterated upon with the product manager and development leads, and became the basis for the information architecture and functional business requirements.

Contextual and Observational Research for Product Design
Enterprise UX

Enterprise UX

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Client 360 Credit Suisse


This was a project for the C-Level Suite of the bank to view all portfolio performance in a mobile application for the iPad. The requirements were based on a legacy MS windows browser enterprise application that is used by portfolio analysts to download reports and monitor performance activity.


The tricky part of this design was the filter display. They wanted as much and as many as were on the enterprise version. I tried to push back to recommend a mobile strategy to filter by log in authentication in the user's profile, but the requirement was set in place.


I designed a few versions of data visualizations for the landing page for quick and easy access to the top performing assets, which would then bypass the user beyond the filter options, and lead directly to the data results of the highest or most volatile assets over a time period.

IBM Global Marketing Platform


The problem we needed to solve was that sales teams were disseminating and desecrating the brand with individual, non transparent communications to their clients. The head of global marketing was outraged. Our task was to design and enforce templates for the communication loop from corporate marketing to global sales teams to clients.


I looked to Evite as a model and was inspired to design the templates as if they were invitations. The marketer would select a template, then decide which sections to lock down and customize, and select from a stored mail list to send the messages, similar to the consumer experience. This screen above is the dashboard landing page, which displayed the relative success rates of each message. This design was iterated with senior stakeholders from the marketing team, and they were very eager to see it in development and released.

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EIKON, Senior UX Designer


Thomson Reuters started a small innovation team in an office directly adjacent to their reporters. We were on a mission to disrupt the Bloomberg terminal. The idea was to create a graphical user interface in the platform where widgets could be selected and dragged onto the screen to filter the data and information. Our primary target audience were analysts and portfolio managers. Thomson hired Cooper to conduct an entire year of user research, globally before starting design. The research from Cooper provided us with a starting point of personas and use cases from the field.


I worked very closely with business analysts who also functioned as SMEs, to provide detailed documentation. After about 6 months of intensive design work, we conducted usability testing to learn only that the system was far too slow due to the gui, and our users wanted us to "Make it like Bloomberg, but only better."

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Design Thinking Training


I. Basic Awareness

Human Centered Design, Active Listening, Heuristics, Usability, Customer Journey, Digital Touch-points, Personas, Systems Listening. Are these terms unfamiliar to you or your team, then we can fix that!


This beginner course provides a basic awareness, and assessment to move to the next level.

II. PRactioner

For those that show an enthusiasm for Design Thinking in the awareness class, they can advance up to Level II where they will get hands on skills and experience in designing and iterating on creative assets.


At the end of this level they will be able to Co-Facilitate a Workshop either internally or with clients.


At this stage, we focus very tactically on preparing the Workshop agenda and logistics. People will gain presentation skills and acquire the confidence to improvise, with story-telling, thus releasing the dependency on PowerPoint decks.


Running a mock workshops with design artifacts is required.



My team will embed in your culture to collaborate with internal teams for on-site design facilitation. Our goal is to guide and support development through a human-centered design process for project planning, research, design, and testing.


To achieve this mission, we are committed to the journey, and a continual learning process toward an sustainable investment for success.


A collaboration with your internal education team to implement an innovation training program and apply it into practice by running real projects with measurable results. The team will  provide onsite coaching to improve project results, team dynamics and increase knowledge.


Our Innovation facilitators are dedicated team members that train and support continuously while producing results.


We will assist in the design of innovation labs for continual internal use and for design thinking workshops with client collaboration. As Innovation Facilitators, we will be dedicated team members who can train and support continuously while producing results.


Organization of external events such as conferences, startup events, hackathons and university programs for potential recruiting efforts.

Workshop Facilitation


A 2-3 hour Workshop held remotely or in your office workspace to demonstrate basic methodologies that focus on a particular problem or innovate on a new idea.


Groups will engage in problem formulation, sketching and affinity clustering to think out side the box, and get the creative juices flowing.

Prioritization Exercise 

This full day Workshop is designed specifically for your team and includes guerilla research with customers and heuristic evaluation of system users.


Together we roll up our selves to create artifacts  that document the design with collaborative exercises in research, task flows, prototyping and road map planning.



To enable Digital Transformation, C-level decision makers must be engaged and involved in the process with the operational stakeholders. This is a two day Co-Creation Workshop with executives in leadership roles.


Silos are broken down, and collaboration is encouraged to rapidly generate very specific outcomes over an intensive and structured time.


Contact for Information

Strategy and Experience Design for Digital Products, Services & Operations
I am an applied practitioner, with hands on experience in strategy, design and management. Depending on the size of the engagement, I can also quickly mobilize a team with technical and creative expertise to hit the ground running. Download Resume (PDF) Last updated: 08/02/2023.
Swimming Astronaut

Fall in Love with the Problem.

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